At the end of 2018 we hosted an ecumenical conversation about cultivating discipleship & mission in the top of the South (Marlborough/Nelson/Waimea/Westcoast), with speakers from The Goodsoil Collective – click here.
Jesus’s great commandment to us is to go out and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20), yet in our western context this is not something we find easy to do. However, we know that it is achievable for each and every one of us. We know because we have seen this become a reality for individuals, households and communities, and it all starts when a group of people commit to going on the discipleship journey together – because discipleship was never meant to be a solo sport!
Lau Tzu once said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and the Learning Community process provides the platform for you to take the first steps into this lifelong journey of growing in discipleship.Join us as we share over coffee and cake how through this process you and your team can create lives worth imitating, and have light-weight low-maintenance tools and pathways that support you to both be a disciple, and make disciples who make disciples.
We are excited to invite you to another conversation evening (dessert provided) to further this conversation and to explore how we can support each other and grow disciples through a learning community.
WednesdayMay 8, 7 – 8:30pm
Vintners Hotel (opp Vines Village)
190 Rapaura Rd.
ThursdayMay 9, 7 – 8:30pm
St Barnabas Anglican Church, Main Rd Stoke.
WednesdayJune 26, 7 – 8:30pm
Church of the Resurrection, Cobden,
40 Richmond Street, Greymouth